21: Jesus Raises The Widow's Son


Luke 7:11-17

Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son

Soon afterwards Jesus set out to visit the city of Nain. His disciples and many people went with him.

When they came near to the gate of the city, they saw a funeral. The deceased was a young man, the son of a widow. Many of the people of the city were with her.

When Jesus saw the mother weeping, he was filled with compassion; and he said to her:

“Weep not.”

Then he touched the coffin; they who carried it stood still; and Jesus spoke, saying:

“Young man, I say unto thee, ‘Arise.’”

Thereupon, he who had been dead sat up and began to speak; and Jesus delivered the young man to his mother.

Solemn wonder swept through the crowd. Some said:

“A great prophet is risen up among us. God hath visited his people.”

And throughout all the region this story was spread.


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