09: Jesus Heals The Nobleman’s Son


John 4:46-54

Jesus Heals The Nobleman’s Son

Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee, the place where he had made the water into wine at the marriage feast. Hearing that Jesus had come back to Galilee from Judea, a nobleman, whose son was sick to the point of death in Capernaum, went to meet him. He besought Jesus to heal his son.

To the nobleman Jesus said:

“Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.”

The nobleman replied:

“Sir, come down ere my child die.”

Jesus responded:

“Go thy way; thy son liveth.”

The man believed the promise Jesus had made to him and started toward home. While still on his way he was met, the following day, by his servants, who said:

“Thy son liveth.”

The nobleman inquired as to the hour his son began to amend and his servants replied:

“Yesterday at the seventh hour [1 o’clock] the fever left him.”

So, the father knew that it was at the same hour Jesus had told him his son lived. Accordingly, he believed as did all others in his house.


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